St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Family Of God...Growing Through Christ.


Emmaus Walks are offered three to four times a year for both men and women at both the Greater Sidney Area Emmaus Community, held at First United Methodist Church in Sidney and at the Greater Findlay Area Emmaus Community held at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Findlay. Walks for young men and women under age 23, called Chysalis Walks, are held regularly at both Sidney and Findlay. These walks are non-denominational with participants from many different Christian churches.
Around 16 men and women have attended an Emmaus Walk from St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. Each of these individuals will tell you that their walks were life-changing in many ways. An Emmaus Walk is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as He is revealed to you through other believers. The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with prayerful discernment and an invitation from a sponsor that has already attended a walk. An application is completed and turned in to the sponsor so he may send it to the walk leaders. The person is assigned to the next available men or women’s walk, a three-day experience of New Testament Christianity. 
 The Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation. You enjoy three busy days singing, learning, laughing, praying, worshipping and participating in small groups. Discussions center around fifteen talks given by laity and clergy. The theme of each talk is God’s grace, how that grace comes alive in the Christian community, and how it expresses itself in the world. You’ll also discover how grace is real in your life, how you live a life of grace, and bring grace to others. You will have the opportunity to participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion and to understand more fully the body of Christ. You will experience God’s grace through the prayers and acts of anonymous service offered by the Emmaus community. You will leave with an experience of Christian love in action that will equip you for new levels of grace-filled service and leadership.
 For more information about the Walk to Emmaus, please contact any of our church members that have attended an Emmaus Walk. They will be glad to discuss the Emmaus experience and to sponsor any individual wishing to attend a walk.